Monday, June 28, 2010

Welcome Home Husband!

Today is the day. The day that my husband FINALLY gets home! He called last night and said that they should be leaving Huntsville around 10 this morning, so they should be getting into Petawawa around 5ish. I can't even express how excited I am. It's like it's Christmas morning or something....or the day of a last exam before summer holidays. I feel like I need to clean the entire house and make something good for supper. Probably won't happen....being a mom seems to take up most of my time throughout the I can dream. I think I am going to make a list of all the things Bill and I need to get done in the next little while. We have an old couch that has been sitting in our small backyard since we moved in (it didn't really fit in the house...and I sort of despised the thing anyways..haha) that needs to be disposed of. We have to get our van all licensed and ready for the road. We need to do some serious gardening in the backyard so that I can feel good about my house (flowers just make me happy ok!). At some point we need to tackle the basement....Lord help's a disaster zone. Full of all the stuff that didn't fit anywhere else when we moved in. We have valences to hang, curtains to buy, furniture to reorganize, plastic bins to fill, a real computer to set up (no more laptops for me hopefully!). GAH! So much.
Did I mention how exicted I am for Bill to get home??? I can't wait to see him with Liam again. Melts my heart to see them together. And I can only imagine how hard it has been for Bill being away from his son for so long.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I am thankful for......

Things I Am Grateful For:

- LIAM!!! Oh how I am awe....of my wonderful son. I was holding him in the crook of my arm tonight, in our most comfortable rocking chair, in his room lit up only by his little moon lamp, watching as his little eyes got heavy and his little mouth sucked at his bottle. I found myself getting a little teary...thinking of how I can't stop time...he is going to grow and grow into the 1 year old, 2 year old, 7 year old he is meant to be. And I am SO excited that I get to watch. But so sad that he won't be my little monkey for long. He amazes me every single day. Today he played with blocks for the very first time. Really PLAYED with them....he picked each one up with his little hands, shook them, banged them....and just stared at them. It was fascinating and I was so very proud of him. lol. Doesn't take much to make me proud☺ Is there anything better than watching your baby sleeping?

- The Rain. Ok...weird....I shouldn't be thankful for the rain because I actually need to pack my car up so we can drive to the cottage first thing in the morning. But I am a sucker for the way the rain sounds as it falls, as it pours through the rain gutters. And I am a sucker for the way it smells, and the breeze it coaxes into my room. I have a gazillion things I should be doing right now, but the rain made me stop and just write for a moment. So thank you rain.

- Bill. My wonderful husband. We have been apart for way too long now, but we are soon to be reunited and I can't wait! I miss him so badly, and I love him so much, and I just really want to be able to watch him interacting with Liam. He is working so hard for us, and I so grateful to have him.

- My family!!! I can't even say enough. Truly.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Oh How I Miss You.....

Some of the things I have been missing lately.....
- Sleep! Oh and I had a good run of it. Unfortunately my new little baby hasn't yet learned to appreciate you, so you will have to be put on hold for a little while. On the topic of sleep...I especially find myself missing those rainy mornings when I didn't have to go to work...when I could wake up at whatever time, go and make myself a hot cup of tea, read a book all snuggled in my bed, and fall back asleep for however long I wanted. AHHH. Pure joy!
- Home! The concept of "home" is so fluid. Bricks and stone make a house, but not a home. Home is a feeling, I think. A sense that as soon as you walk in the doors, you are in a place that makes you feel good and right. My house in Petawawa is not a home yet, especially since Bill has only lived in it for 2 days as of yet. I am hoping that once he gets back, and we do a little yard work and organizing, that I can reclaim a sense of being home. I hate this feeling of being loose in the world, like I belong nowhere.
- Ottawa! I admit that I miss the big city. Bill and I had been talking for the last year about how we couldn't wait to get out of the city...get back to a smaller town where we could breathe a little easier, spend less time in traffic commuting everywhere, see the stars. Now that I am here, I miss the noise and the hustle and bustle that came along with city life. I always felt like there was so much going on...and at any moment you could go out your doors and find a thousand things to do. Here...not so much. My dog is probably very happy though, since the only thing I have really found to do outside my house since my husband has been gone is to walk the dog.
- B.C.! B.C. is always always always on my list of things that I miss. Sometimes I will get a wiff of something on the breeze, or I will see the sun setting just so overtop the trees, and my mind is instantly transported back to Vancouver Island. For those of you who haven't been there....GO! Go now!! It is honestly the most beautiful place I have ever been...and I have been all across Canada. I miss the smells, and the ocean....the way you can dig your feet into the sand once the sun has set and it is so cold. I miss walking through the forests there...all the ferns. I miss going on the ferries and feeling the mist from the water. Ahhhh. Bliss.
- Bill! I miss my husband. Oh so much. Everyday. Every moment. Most of the time I get by just fine...I just don't think about anything. It's those times when Liam is asleep and I am alone that I feel so deep down how much I truly miss him. We talk on the phone everyday, but its not the same. He is my partner in life and without him here I sort of feel like I am not complete.
- Books! A weird thing to miss I am sure, but I used to read at least one book a week in my pre-baby days, now I have been working on the same one all month. I am a self-admitted read-aholic. Give me the choice between tv and a good book and the book will always win hands down. Lately though, sleep has been winning out over reading. Any free time I have is spent on so many other things (including this blog today) that reading has fallen to the way side. Sad.