I would like to officially announce that I am the proud aunty to a sweet little baby girl named Stephanie Mia Southam. Miss Stephanie was born on April 14th at 7:12 pm, weighing in at a teeny, tiny 4.5 lbs. But her and her momma Mel are doing great!
There is something so darn special about a new baby being born. You take a look at that little face and you can't help but be amazed at how many possibilities there are for this special little one. Babies always remind me about how good the world is..how sweet, and amazing and fragile it all is.
As the mom of a 16 month old, I am only too aware of how fast time moves when you are a parent. I remember Liams birth like it was yesterday, and I find myself trying to grab ahold of and remember every little moment of that time. I remember the fear of not knowing what to expect. I remember the joy of hearing Liams first cries and seeing his little eyes blinking for the first time. I remember the first diaper change (of a million and counting...lol) and I remember the first time I sat down to breastfeed him. Each of these moments, and every one that has happened since, I would not change for the world. And I am so happy for Bill's sister and brother-in-law that they now get to experience these kinds of moments too. As Liam gets older and older, I find myself holding on just that much tighter, and rocking him for just those couple of extra minutes...trying to find a way to bottle up the smell and feel and look of him right now.
Parenthood. Oh Parenthood. There are no sentences good enough to express how it changes you. How it tests every boundary and limit that you thought you and, and forces you to be better than you ever thought you could. My heart melts a hundred times a day until I feel like I just can't hold any more joy than I am right now. It is the most wonderful, scary, joyful rollercoaster ride that I have ever been on and I just know that there are going to be so many twists and turns and drops and rolls...but man, the view from the top is spectacular!
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