So I thought I would try this blogging thing, and I did okay for the first week, but then life just got in the way. My son has been reverting back to his newborn days it seems lately...getting up many times a night for no apparent I am pretty much just always exhausted. I promise I will never again take for granted the fact that I have a loving and supportive husband!! I miss him more than I can say right now...especially on those long, sleepless nights. He graduated this past Thursday from boot camp, and he is now in Petawawa awaiting further instructions (which I am hoping say "Let's get your family here as soon as possible to join you!").
Last Monday I took Liam for his 4 month Dr's appointment and shots. I am always so excited to see how much he weighs, etc. He is doing fabulous!! Our doctor loves him...he is always so super well behaved in the office, and he flirts/smiles at everyone. He doesn't even seem to mind the needles too much...just a little cry and then it's over. Ever since I was in the hospital with him when he was 12 days old, I find I can handle pretty much anything to do with needles, etc. I guess because we've been through much worse (3 lumbar punctures anyone!). After his appointment, I packed him and Chloe (our dog) into the van and drove three hours to Trenton where I was staying with Bills parents. Liam is an excellent traveller I have to say! I've done the round trip to Trenton/Ottawa about 4 or 5 times now, and he pretty much just sleeps for the entire trip. I actually love the drive: I can Liam in the mirror so I know he's safe, Chloe sleeps, I can listen to adult music, I get some time to think about what ever I want...oh so many reasons!
From Monday until Thursday Liam and I visited friends and family. We were able to see my old boss Mary Ann and her daughter Katie who is 2 years old. Liam got LOTS of time with all of his grandparents which he just soaked up. He truly is a blessed little guy...he has so many people who love him to pieces.
On Thursday morning (SUPER early...I even left the house before Liam woke up!) I drove Chloe to a boarders/doggy day care. Drove home to find Liam awake and hanging out with his Grandma, waiting for me to feed him. As soon as he ate, we left for Barrie and Bill's Graduation. Liam was awesome on the way down, and it was fun for me to get to sit with him and play a little before he fell asleep. I won't go into much detail, but Bill's graduation was lots of fun. Liam loved all the bag pipe music, and watching all of the soldiers march around. He was SO good the whole time....just a little cranky towards the end of the ceremony because he was getting hot in his dress clothes. I took off one layer, gave him some water and he was a-ok :) Bill looked so handsome in his uniform!! I was such a proud wife that day. I had hoped that we could take Liam for his first swimming experience in the hotel pool...but silly mommy, I forgot to pack my own the hotel ended up being not so great (way to go Father-in-Law who chose it!!) and I didn't really trust Liam in their pool. Another day I guess.
We drove back to Trenton on Friday with Bill (WOOHOO!!), but Liam cried a lot of the way home, so it was a long haul. It was super great to spend time with my husband...especially since his birthday was on that Saturday. He had to go back to Borden on Sunday, so Liam, Chloe and I left back to Ottawa on Monday.
All in was a long week, but it went by fast! I always wonder if it is good for my son that I take him so many different places? Should I just stay at home more often with him to give him a break? Or is it good that I exposing him to new experiences all the time? I dunno...just a thought I often have. It's a fine line I think.